I'm not talking about the fact that they restarted my computer overnight - again! - because of a "critical" update (as far as I can tell the "critical" update was Windows Media Player 11 - WTF?) or about the fact that some of their utilities give you useless error messages (like "X has occured - type net helpmsg XXXX
to get more information", and executing the command only gives you back the orriginal error message - WTF?)
No, I'm talking about the fact that to use WPA2, you need to install an update which is not included automatically by Windows Update. To make this a double fail, their "Live" search engine gives back as a first link a support article with no download link (!!!), while Google gives you a working patch (although a new version is available, the old version still works. Fail!
- Direct download link for the old update (without the "Genuine Windows" BS): KB893357
- Direct download link for the new update (again, without the "Genuine Windows" BS): KB893357
Update: this UserFriendly strip reflects perfectly the situation:

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