The RkUnhooker story gets worse and worse (from the point of view of its authors). They (EP_X0FF and MP_ART) are making threats Russian mob style (not that I would know how a Russian mob threat sounds :-D), stating that You have come against wrong people
and that want, that you are not able to reach tomorrow
(I suppose he means that he wishes for me to die :-)).
Any my thread on the SysInternals forum was deleted because my post was not technical
. This is true, but I feel that this information must be taken into consideration by anyone who wishes to run the program on her/his system.
You can read his entire reply on their forum. And I just observed that the title of the topic is Any sources for the dead
. Good going guys! I really don't know what you're after, but if getting hired by a security company and/or selling RkUnhooker as a commercial product, you can cross it of your list, since with an attitude like this you will have a hard time getting hired (and no, AV companies do not hire virus writers).
BTW, if I understand right, they are accusing me of being a GMER (which is an other amateur - in the sense that there is no company behind it - anti-rootkit product) fanboy. It is true that that I host a mirror of the GMER files because its site was/is under a DDoS attacks, but I have nothing to do with it, nor do I endorse the usage of any such products (as you can read in my original post).
It is interesting that the anti-rootkit market
is such a highly flammable one, with waring tribes
and each side having their groupies
. I don't understand where this comes from, since seemingly nobody is making any money out of this, not even with AdSense or similar things. It might be that they are aiming at being hired / bought by companies, and as I stated earlier, in this case the RkUnhooker guys just shot themselves in the foot.
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