Crossposted from the Transylvania JUG website.
SonarQube (previously Sonar) is a quality management platform aimed mainly at Java (although other programming languages are supported to a varying degree. Here are a couple of tips to get it working on legacy projects:
- There is an Ant runner and a standalone runner, it is not mandatory to use Maven (although it is a good idea in general to use it)
- Look into the analysis parameters to customize it for your code.
- Give it space and time :-). For reference a ~2 million LOC Java project took 77 minutes to be analyzed on my laptop (an Intel i7) with 4G heap.
- To avoid having a ton of problems reported and to focus only on new problems, look into the Cutoff plugin
- Test and coverage reports can be reused, no need to run them twice (once for the CI system and then for SonarQube). Look into reusing existing reports. Also, make sure to use the latest version of JaCoCo when generating profile data.
- Configure your sonar.exclusions property to ignore code you aren't interested in
- Raise your sonar.findbugs.timeout property (the default of 5 minutes can be low for large projects)
- Consider disabling source code related plugins (sonar.scm.enabled, sonar.scm-stats.enabled) if the provider for your SCM has an issue (HG has an issue currently for example with username containing spaces)
Keep your code clean!
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