Sunday, April 10, 2011

scentsy review take two

I've already written about Scentsy Products, so I will try not to repeat myself that much (other than reiterating that you should really think before investing in a referral system) and will focus on their special product:

Piece by Piece Full-Size Scentsy Warmer – this a usual warmer (usual for Scentsy that is – it uses a lightbulb to provide the heat, thus avoiding the open flame and smoke) with a puzzle-piece decoration. What makes this item (more) special is the fact that parts of the revenue from it go to Autism Speaks. While currently this is the only one in the Charitable Cause Warmers product line, hopefully there will be more in the future, allowing you to get something for both your body and your soul.

An other item I didn’t talk about in the last article is the gift certificate: if you consider appropriate, you could give a 25 USD Gift Certificate to the person. There are also replacement parts and individual warmer parts if your warmer breaks but you don’t want to buy a completely new one. Also, the light bulbs in the Scentsy products are standard ones (compared to something like a Philips wake-up light) so you can buy a replacement in almost any store, as long as you watch for the socket size and the wattage.

Full disclosure: this is a paid review from ReviewMe. Under the terms of the understanding I was not obligated to skew my viewpoint in any way (ie. only post positive facts).

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