Friday, April 08, 2011 review

Today I'm reviewing a site which has the goal of comparing different private health insurance companies and giving you the cheapest one. Unfortunately I'm not familiar with the USA insurance rules (because I'm on a different continent :-)), so I can only comment on generic impressions related to this site:
  • The domain was registered in 2007, which is reassuring, however the registration information is hidden, which raises some questions, especially given the fact that you are supposed to trust this site with personal data (like address, phone number, date of birth, name)
  • The design is ok, although there are some technical glitches (like using the sitemap link to give the sitemap for the search engines, although this wouldn't be necessarry - there are other ways to point the search engines to it)
However the biggest downfall of the site is the confusing interaction model and stale data: when you request a free quote it asks you a lot of personal information (then again I don't know how much data the individual insurance companies risk model needs) in a separate popup. It presents the result in both the popup window (however both links it gave me gave me an 404 error) and also the main window, but clicking trough the main window requires to fill the form again.
In conclusion I have a low confidence level that such comparison sites would be a reliable information source and also the comparison on price alone isn't enough when making such an important decision.

Full disclosure: this is a paid review from ReviewMe. Under the terms of the understanding I was not obligated to skew my viewpoint in any way (ie. only post positive facts).

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