Friday, February 25, 2011 review

My assignment - which I choose to accept :-) - was to review a mobile accessories site, namely All the signs for this site check out:

  • It was registered a couple of years ago and didn't move around much
  • It has several real seals (real meaning that they are linked to the originating site, where you can check out the referring site is really approved, didn't just faked the seal)
  • Their contact address checks out (based on Google maps) as does their phone number (which is in the London area)
  • I found a couple of complaints about them on this site, however they seem to be very responsive to the negative complaints

After doing the basic safety research I went on to browse the site and I found many interesting items, for example this Jabra headset. What I like about about these models of headsets is the fact that they use standard minijack for headphones, which means that they can easily be replaced in case they stop working (and it is my experience that headphones are the first to go bad).

An other category which I found interesting was the tools section. While some of the tools are clearly overpriced, the more complex kits look interesting and I am tempted to buy something from there.

Full disclosure: this is a paid review from ReviewMe. Under the terms of the understanding I was not obligated to skew my viewpoint in any way (ie. only post positive facts).

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:22 PM

    I cannot comment so much on the site. However dealing with these MyTrendyPhone people was a nightmare.

    I used the UK site, but its hosted in Denmark. The e-mails came from Denmark, the call centre people were Danish.

    I ordered a product that was "in stock" and would be despatched UK first class post the same day.

    It turned up damaged after 5 weeks and came from ..... you've got it - Denmark!

    (No one has paid me anythying to write this review, however I complained to Trading standards about the ambiguous location and they agreed with me!)
