Monday, January 24, 2011

noevir review

noevir is a "direct marketing" company focusing on cosmetics and "* care" (skin, body, etc) type of products. After looking at their site I'm mostly neutral about them. I wouldn't recommend anyone to join such ("direct marketing") organizations, but that's not specific to noevir. It also says "Ginza Tokyo" in the header, which is a big shopping street in Tokyo, but I couldn't find any other connection to Tokyo (nor did I see this brand advertised last summer when I was in Tokyo and I visited Ginza, but then again, I wasn't looking for it). I also can't find it on the BBB site (a worrisome sign), but the contact address conincides with the domain registration (a good sign) and it is a real address, findable on Google Maps. There are also a lot of negative articles on the web, but they are related to the "direct marketing" part of the business (ie. if you join as a consultant) not to the products. I couldn't find anything negative about the products.

My final verdict is: use a temporary credit card if buying from them (always a good idea when dealing with smaller merchants). If you buy something, buy it for its obvious qualities (like its scent), not for the advertised but hard to quantify qualities (like "clensing", "protection", etc). If you need help with a skin issue, consult a medic.

Full disclosure: this is a paid review from ReviewMe. Under the terms of the understanding I was not obligated to skew my viewpoint in any way (ie. only post positive facts).

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:42 PM

    Gave you 5 stars for honesty. Didn't matter if it was positive. You gave an honest review and I appreciate it.
