Perl has (true to its motto - there more than one way to do it
) many methods for declaring string. Here are a few:
- The single quote (') - does not interpolate variables, does not understand escape sequences (like \n for newline)
- The double quote (") - interpolates variables (replaces $foo with the value of the scalar foo), understands escape sequences
- The generic single quote operator (can be written as q{}, q//, q() and so on - for details see the perlop page) - behaves just like the single quote, but uses an alternative separator character
- The generic double quote operator (qq{}, qq//, qq(), etc) - the same for the double quote operator (interpolates variables)
- The custom or heredoc (presumably an abbreviation for
here comes a document
) syntax
In general the best-practice is to choose an quotation operator based on two things:
- Do you need variable interpolation? If not, don't choose an operator which interpolates them. This will make the script faster and communicate your intent
- Do you need to use characters in the string which are identical to the quotation operator itself and thus need to be escaped (like " in "this is a \"test\"")? If so, you should choose an other quotation operator, the separator of which is not present in the script, thus no escaping (
) is needed.
Finally, if you need to inject larger pieces of text (like HTML), you should use heredocs. Their general syntax is as follows (where separator can be an arbitrary word):
my $foo = $suff . <<SEPARATOR . $more_stuff;
some lines
and more lines
Some important things to remember about heredocs:
- You need to use two less-than signs (not three as in PHP)
- The separator is placeholder in the statement. So you need to finish your statement properly (with a ;) before you begin the actual content of the strings. This also means that it needs not be at the very end of a line (as it is shown in most examples).
- The final separator needs to be at the beginning of the line with no ; following it!
Finally, heredocs have also two variants: interpolating and non-interpolating. You can choose between the two versions by putting the initial separator between double quotes (for interpolating) or single quotes (for non-interpolating). By default, if you omit quotes, interpolation is used.
The biggest problem with heredocs is that they can't be indented nicely, thus making a mess of your nicely formatted source code. String::TT comes to the rescue. The idea is really simple: take a multi-line string, get the shortest run of spaces preceeding a line and remove that many spaces from each line. It creates a much nicer look. If you have restrictions on installing modules from CPAN, you can take a peek at the source code and create your own version of it.
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