Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Mixed links and commentary

Fresh from the web:

The latest version of the Uninformed magazine is out. Although it contains only three articles, two of them are definitely worth reading if you are interested in reverse engineering.

Google Webmaster Central. If you have problems with your site being (or not being) indexed by Google, take a look here. The corresponding page for Yahoo is Yahoo! Search Help. For MSN/Live search I couldn't find any such resource which may be explained with their relatively short existence. You can try to look on the Live Search WebLog.

Via Ajaxian: Weebly - Website Creation Made Easy. They got a nice video presentation and there is a short mention of web standards in it (something along the lines of standard compliant web page).

Why I don't host my own blog (aside from the fact that I'm a cheap bastard)? (a new Wordpress bug)

A new open source virtualization software: VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE). I didn't try it yet, but it sounds interesting. There are some question raised about the true open source nature of the product, but it still looks interesting.

A new web based WYSIWYG editor: SPAW 2. It has a nice interface, however it doesn't seem to provide anything revolutionary and it's not really supporting web standards (go over to the Boagworld site and listen to some of the podcasts to get a feeling of how great web standards are)

Via Ajaxian: an online javascript editor (also read the blog)

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