Saturday, December 30, 2006

I love the web

A few months, 131 posts and I'm already getting very useful feedback. I would like to dedicate this post to all of my readers. Thank you all. Here are two very useful links which I got from my readers:

From Anonymous comes: The Trouble With EM ’n EN (and Other Shady Characters). If you think what you are doing when typing a text in English, just read this. After reading through it I'm afraid to type one more sentence. It's incredible how many slight variation there are to type-press level of writing!

From stelt comes a tip related to adding SVG support to OpenOffice. Go the his collection of great links related to SVG or jump directly to the description. I did not try this because I don't need to make any presentations (in fact I just did one, but I used S5 for that), but it looks really promising.

And I also got my first passionate negative comment. That is good. Be passionate. Fight for what you believe in. I support freedom of speech and I won't censor the contents of this blog for other purposes than spam prevention.

However, I want to remind you that this blog is to generate quality, useful information. Whatever I write is meant to be useful and correct information. I'm not correct all the time, nor do I claim to be. If you have a different opinion about the things I post, feel free to give your counter arguments. I will respond to them to the best of my knowledge. However before you submit your post, please think about the following: will it be useful to somebody? Posting a correction or counter argument to something I wrote probably will. Posting insults probably won't since I have a pretty thick skin (even more so when I'm convinced that I'm right and you didn't give me any reason to think otherwise).

If I don't post anything until tomorrow: Happy Newyear!

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