Sunday, December 03, 2006

HIPSs are no fun

As you all probably know by now I don't have a too high opinion of HIPSs. Here are two more links to prove my point:

Ad-Watch Setting Can Kill .LNK and .EXE File Extensions - Could your grandma make this changes? How computer literate must you be to (a) find this solution and (b) apply it/

Useless IDS? - To be fair, this is an implementation problem, not an inherent problem of HIPSs/IDSs

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you that the fix for the destruction caused by Ad-Watch is no picnic. Unfortunately, it has been an issue with Ad-Watch since SE was released in August, 2004.

    If a user has Ad-Watch set to "Automatic" + "Lock executable file extensions", Ad-Watch will indeed lock executable file extensions when installing software. Generally, installing Doug Knox' file associations isn't enough but that script seems to do the trick. Appetiser's script has been successful for countless Ad-Watch users since 2004.

    You would think that something that causes damage this serious would have been fixed two years ago.
